
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Five Pillars Of Islam

‘An abi Abdi AlRahmani Abdi Allahi ibni Omara Bini AlKhattabi Radiya Allahu ‘anhumaa qala: Sami’ta rasula Allahi sala Allahu ‘alayhi wa salama yaqool: Buniya al-Islamu ‘ala khams: shahadati an la illaha illa Allahu wa ana Muhammadan rasulu Allah, wa iqami alsalah, wa itayi’ alzakati wa haji albayt, wa sawmi Ramadan. Rawahu AlBukhari wa Muslim.

There are five things that Muslims should do. They are called "The Five Pillars of Islam".

1. Faith: The Testimony (Shahadah in Arabic) is the Muslim belief that there is no god but Allah himself, and that Muhammad is his messenger.

2. Prayer: Muslims pray five times at special times of the day. This is facing the holy city Mecca.Prayer is called Salat in Arabic and namaz in Persian, Turkish and Urdu.

3. Charity: Muslims who have money must give alms (Zakah or Zakat in Arabic) to help poor Muslims in the local community .

4. Fasting: Muslims fast during Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic year. They do not eat or drink from sunrise till sunset for one lunar month. After Ramadan, there is a holiday called Eid al-Fitr (English: Festival of end-fast). Muslims usually have a party with families and friends and go to the mosque in the morning for a special service.

5. Hajj (Pilgrimage): During the Hajj season, many Muslims go to Makkah, the holiest city of Islam, which is in Saudi Arabia. Muslims must make the hajj at least once in their life if they can afford to do so. There is no need if a Muslim does not have the money to make the Hajj. At the end of Hajj season, there is a holiday called Eid al-Adha (English: Festival of Sacrifice). Muslims who can afford to do so or who have made the Hajj must buy an animal, usually a goat, to sacrifice according to Islamic laws and cook as food or give away to the poor, if they have the money for it. Muslims believe that Abraham, one of Allah's earliest messengers, was told by Allah on the day of Eid al-Adha to sacrifice his son in Jerusalem. But the angel Gabriel congratulated Abraham's obedience to Allah and gave him a lamb instead.


  1. di hadist Arba'in itu ada yah
    di hadist nomor 3

  2. subhanallah umi,,
    you explain it clearly :)

  3. Haripertama menjalankan puasa.
    semoga di berikan kekuatan untuk menjalankannya....dan di terima ibadah puasa kita.!!

    selamat sore.tetap semngat dan happy blogging.

  4. Tampilan baru ni ummi...!!!
    saya suka templatenya dan dirasa lebih cepat loadingnya.

    selamat sore ummi.

  5. @om Jhon, betul. @Kistiyana, thanks, @Chuggy, terima kasih, @Wallpaper, Terima kasih dan Alhamdulillah bila sudah terasa oleh teman-teman yang berkunjung agak ringan loading ketika memasuki blog ini.

  6. maaf sedikit masukan, kenapa postingannya yg bagus ini harus bahasa Inggris, kan kalo pake bahasa Indonesia kita-kita jadi tambah pengetahuannya, lebih ngerti dan nambah manfaat. gak semua kita kan bisa bahasa Inggris. salam ukhuwah

  7. @bang Chandra, terima kasih, sebetulnya bila ada posting yang berbahasa inggris link tersebut untuk teman-teman yang dari luar Indonesia. Tapi ada juga komunitas kita yang ingin postingannya memakai bahasa inggris. Terima kasih masukannya bang.
